What is Your Grid-Down Communications Plan?
Communications is the most neglected area of preparedness. Our smart phones have become an integral aspect of our daily routine. Their portability and ease of use makes them seem the ideal solution during a disaster. Nothing could be further from the truth. Cellular networks are in reality fragile systems that simply can not be counted on during a disaster.
These systems can be taken out of service by:
- overloaded cell towers
- natural disasters
- significant weather events
- power outages
- forest fires
- terrorist attacks just to name a few at the top of a long list
This video will show you how you can use Ham Radios to cover all kinds of communications to include
- Texting
- Normal radio transmissions
- You'll learn everything you need to know about off grid communications.
You need look no further than recent history to understand the importance of preparedness communications. During Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy communications failed because landline and wireless cellular phone service were knocked out of commission by power failures, hurricane force winds and massive widespread flooding. With no personal communications plan, residents were left without the ability to call for help or notify family and friends of their well being. Most people also lacked the ability to keep phones and other devices charged and operational.
Bottom line, getting a radio and putting it on your preparedness shelf is inadequate and a sure recipe for failure in a time of need. To be truly useful as a preparedness communications tool you need to practice using your radio, have a communications plan, and practice the plan frequently.
Start your personal preparedness communications plan today and purchase The Survival Summit Survival Communications training film. Implement the simple communications plan reviewed in this film. Start assembling your communications kit and practice with family and friends on a regular basis. If this piques your interest than consider getting your HAM radio license and become a communications resource for your community.